

A Times summary of the "KV64" story to date: "Dr Reeves believes that the site, neighbouring tombs KV62, that of Tutankhamun, and KV63, the most recent discovery, is likely to represent another burial of the period after the reign of the 'heretic' pharaoh Akhenaten. It may even be of those who once lived in his abandoned capital of Akhetaten at Tell el-Amarna.
The find was made during the survey that located KV63, which this year yielded coffins empty of mummies, but containing embalmers’ gear. The latest issue of the Egyptological journal KMT illustrates many of the the KV63 finds, including the naturalistic faces painted on the coffins and the feather-stuffed “pillows” found crammed into one of them."

- More Re The New Tomb: A Summary Of The Known Facts To Date
Egyptological (Kate Phizackerley) Kate Phizackerley has posted a summary of the known facts to date, within the context of existing knowledge about excavations in the Valley of the Kings The tomb was announced in Luxor by Mansour Boraik in Luxor and Mohamed...

- Dangerous Eaters Of Wood
Thoeretical Structural Archaeology A fascinating insight into the damage that insects inflict on wood in archaeology. Examples are taken from various parts of the planet and there is a good description of the damage inflicted on the wood in KV63 in the...

- Neferetiti's Eyes
Archaeology Magazine - Nefertiti's Eyes (Earl R. Ertmman) Archaeology has a feature in the March/April 2008 issue entitled Nefertiti's Eyes, which you can see online at the above address. Did the queen's distinctive feature become a symbol...

- Kv64 Update
Luxor News For those of you unfamiliar with KV64, it is the most recently published discovery in the Valley of the Kings, identified so far only by radar. Dr Nick Reeves revealed the existence of the site on the Amarna Royal Tombs Project (ARTP) website,...

- Kv63: A Mystery Fit For A Pharaoh
http://www.smithsonianmag.com/issues/2006/july/kv63.php http://www.smithsonianmag.com/issues/2006/july/kv63.htm Thanks very much to Aayko Eyma for the above link to a four page article about KV63, on the Smithsonian.com website, introducing the find,...

