"The Starving of Saqqara", Real or Fake?

"The Starving of Saqqara", Real or Fake?

This interesting article is from Past Horizons and contains a video to help in looking at this 67cm limestone statue collected by Vincent and Olga Diniacopoulos in the first half of the twentieth century. The statue has been at Concordia University in Montreal since 1999 and studied by experts from many institutions including the Royal Ontario Museum and the British Museum.

There is doubt by some people that the statue is fake while others believe it to be real. Hard to say as it is very unusual with nothing like it known in Egyptian art.

- Egyptian Enigma: The Starving Of Saqqara
World Archaeology (Caitlin McCall) Standing 67cm high, the limestone figures are intriguing and haunting, with their elongated skulls, their slack mouths, and their painfully thin limbs. Squatting naked opposite each other, one rests a hand on the arm...

- Diplomat Caught Attempting To Smuggle Artefact - Which Was Actually A Fake
Asharq Alawsat (Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid) A diplomat was stopped recently by Cairo Airport authorities, who wanted to x-ray his luggage. The diplomat refused, but his objections were unsuccessful, and the Egyptian authorities insisted that all luggage must...

- Statue Forger Ordered To Pay Thousands To Museum
The Bolton News (Paul Keaveny) A MASTER forger and his elderly parents have been ordered to pay £363,000 to Bolton Museum after conning bosses into buying a fake statue. Shaun Greenhalgh along with his mum and dad, George and Olive, duped experts into...

- Not A Loan
This article is on the Rosetta stone and Egypt's Secretary general of the Supreme counsel of antiquities desire to have it back not as a loan but permanent. In recent weeks Dr. Zahi Hawass has become less diplomatic with not only the British museum...

- Amarna Fake Princess
Bolton museum wishes to put on display the fake Amarna princess which is in police custody. The statue was purchased for L440 000. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/duped-council-hopes-to-display-fake-statue-1518727.html...

