1st airfield for balloons in Luxor

1st airfield for balloons in Luxor

Egyptian Gazette
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AUTHORITIES in the Upper Egyptian city of Luxor yesterday agreed to build the first airfield for balloons in Egypt on an area of 60 feddans (acres), an Egyptian official said. “The airfield will serve eight companies that work in ballooning,” Hamada Horam, a member of Egyptian Ballooning Federation,said.

He added that the planned airport would com- prise a reception hall, a watchtower, a tourist-service area and offices for the ballooning companies. The decision was taken by the Luxor City Council, which formed a committee to select the site for the airfield. “It will be set up in coordination with the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Luxor's City Council,” Horam told the German news agency DPA. A hot air balloon crashed late last month over the ancient city of Luxor injuring 16 tourists, mostly from Europe, Canada and the United States. Hot air ballooning, usually at sunrise over the Karnak and Luxor temples as well as the Valley of the Kings, is a popular pastime in the city. In April 2008, seven tourists were injured in a similar crash. Minister of Aviation Ahmed Shafiq has banned ballooning over the city until an airfield is established.

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