2nd century mosaic found in northern Sinai

2nd century mosaic found in northern Sinai

"A nine-metre-long Roman mosaic dating from the 2nd Century has been unearthed by an Egyptian-Polish archaeological team in northern Sinai, the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) said on Wednesday.The mosaic was found while the archaeologists were restoring a Pelusium Roman theatre in an area 25km east of the Suez Canal. . . . The mosaic, made from a combination of glass, marble, clay and limestone, features a blooming garden with two birds on a tree branch and other birds flying over roses.It is believed to have once been part of the theatre's decorated floor". I am sure that pictures will soon be forthcoming, but I haven't found any so far.

"Hawass said that the 9x15m discovery, constructed of glass, pottery, limestone and marble, is the most beautiful antiquity discovered in the area. It dates back to the second century.He added that multinational team is now working on the mosaic in order to move it to el-Arish National Museum where it will be displayed alongside other antiquities discovered in the area.The site is already famous for the "Blosium" Roman theatre discovered there, noted Hawas, it is the biggest Roman theatre in Egypt with a 110m long stage.Mohammed Abdul-Maksoud, head of the Lower Egypt Antiquity Department and head of the excavation team, said that the mosaic discovery was made during the ongoing restoration work being carried out on the theatre. Unfortunately, it was significantly damaged by the Israeli army which used it as a military camp during the occupation".

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