4th stage of project on discovering route of Luxor's rams road kicks off

4th stage of project on discovering route of Luxor's rams road kicks off

http://tinyurl.com/32yh32 (sis.gov.eg)

Zahi Hawwas, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), said on 16/5/2007 that the fourth stage of a project on discovering the route of the Road of Rams at Luxor kicked off. The Rams Road is an avenue of ram-headed sphinxes leading from the Luxor Temple to the Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak. In statements to MENA, Hawwas said that the third stage of the project led to the discovery of the 54th sphinx-like statue, as well as a quartz steal depicting Bakenkhunsu, the High Priest of Amun-Ra, King of the Gods. The discovery adjusts and reveals more about the history of the 20th dynasty, said Hawwas. The avenue of ram-headed sphinxes leeds the visitor to the massive front of the first pillar of the Karnak Temple in the ancient city of Luxor, some 690km south of the capital Cairo."

This is the complete bulletin on the State Information Service website.

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