4th to 9th September - Origines Conference

4th to 9th September - Origines Conference

Apologies for the five day absence - I've been at the Origines conference in Toulouse (France), which was excellent, but not exactly convenient for updating blogs. I have gone back through news items, and will be updating the blog throughout the day. I'm not away now until mid October. Anyone who fancies taking over the blog in my holiday absences would/will be very welcome!

Apologies also to anyone reading this who was at the conference - I was the one with the cough. Although the cold has subsided substantially, I passed it to at least one other person, and I know that it travelled to the Netherlands via Paris and Brussels - a well travelled set of bugs. Sorry Rinus!
All the best

- Updated. Breaking News - A New Tomb In The Valley Of The Kings?
Kate and I were at the AWT Amarna conference (and fund raiser) this weekend where, together with a large number of other people, we considerably enjoyed two days of excellent lectures by some terrific speakers. In his usual style, the conference host...

- Hawas To Assert Rights Of Countries With Ancient Civilisations In Peru Conference
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) Minister of State for Antiquities Zahi Hawass travelled yesterday to Peru on an official four-day visit to participate in the Second International Conference to Recover Stolen Antiquities to be held in the capital city of...

- The 4th International Conference On Computer, Information, And Systems Sciences, And Engineering
I have no idea whether or not this conference will be of any interest to anyone, but the increase in archaeologists who are working specifically within the realm of information technology would argue that it might be of use to someone. Apologies if not....

- Blog Update: Technical Problems
Apologies for not updating the site for the last couple of days - I've had technical hitches with my Internet provision. I am in the process of updating details at the moment and will hopefully be able to post news items later this evening - failing...

- Origines 2005, Toulouse
http://origines2.free.fr/index_ENG.html Just a quick reminder that the Origines conference is coming up in September. This conference, which only occurs every four years, focuses on the Predynastic, Origins of State and Early Dynastic. To see the main...

