500,000 Americans visit golden pharaoh exhibition

500,000 Americans visit golden pharaoh exhibition

"Tutankhamen exhibition, currently staged in Los Angeles museum of arts, is witnessing a massive influx by the American people. The number of Americans who visited the exhibition since its opening three months ago reached 500,000. The financial returns of the exhibition hit so far $ 105 million. Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Zahi Hawwas said that the exhibition will wrap up on November 15. He expected the number of visitors to reach 1.2 million. Hawwas said that the exhibition will move to Chicago for five months before heading for Philadelphia late next year. He said that the exhibition will achieve the biggest financial return in the history of exhibitions of Egyptian and other world monuments". This is the full State Information Service bulletin. This figure for visitor numbers is actually 100,000 less than that given in a press release earlier this week on another website for total LACMA ticket sales.

- Tutankhamen Exhibition Yields $60 Million
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