70 years of Polish archaeologists in Egypt

70 years of Polish archaeologists in Egypt

Nauka w Polsce

Celebrations commemorating the 70th anniversary of Polish archaeological research in Egypt were held on 21st-22nd October in Cairo. The Warsaw University spokesperson, Anna Korzekwa explained that the aim of the celebrations was to "present Polish achievements in Egyptology and to commemorate Prof. Kazimierz Michałowski the most prominent Polish Egyptologist, the founder of the Warsaw University station in Cairo and teacher of many generations of archaeologists".

The celebrations were organised by Warsaw University Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology in association with the Polish Embassy in Cairo, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt.

The anniversary celebrations were held under the honorary patronage of the Polish Minister of Culture and National Heritage - Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski and the Egyptian Minister of Culture - Faruk Husni. The celebrations were opened with the unveiling of a bust of Prof. Michałowski placed among the pantheon of great Egyptologists in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. This coincided with the opening of the "70 years of Polish Archaeology in Egypt" exhibition, which will remain open till 21st November.

"The exhibition will display 150 exhibits from 9 Polish archaeological sites in Egypt. The aim of the exhibition is to show how much Polish researchers have contributed to the development of knowledge about the most ancient history of this country" - Anna Korzekwa explained.

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