A 1902 visit to the pyramids at Giza

A 1902 visit to the pyramids at Giza

The Daily Star is featuring photographs from the collection of The Arab Image Foundation over the next few weeks. This is a lovely photograph of tourism, complete with camel rides, in 1902: "The Great Pyramids of Giza have been a major tourist attraction for centuries. A group of visitors pose by the World Wonder at the turn of the 20th century, in 1902, in this photography by Selim Abou Izzedin. While Egyptian society has undergone a dramatic transformation since this photograph was taken, the national landmark remains relatively unchanged. Visitors, past and present, enjoy camel and horse rides at the foot of the pyramids."
See the above page for the photograph and text.

There's also an article about the Arab Image Foundation at:

The Arab Image Foundation website is at:
A new site is also under construction:

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