A Day in Alexandria

A Day in Alexandria

bikyamasr  (Katharine Smith) 

Centuries of history are scattered throughout Alexandria’s streets, but many of its greatest treasures are buried beneath them, or are submerged underwater. While a vivid imagination is needed to appreciate the city’s former glory, there are still plenty of physical sites on offer to whet the appetite.

Alexandria deserves to have more than just one day dedicated to exploring its history and charms, but a fleeting visit is certainly possible.

The main train station is a great place to start, especially for those making their way from Cairo on an early morning train. Tickets for the 2.5 hour journey should cost between 25-52 LE depending on the type of train and class of carriage.

A short walk from the station leads to the marble-terraced Roman Amphitheatre which was built in the 2nd Century AD and is a one-of-a-kind in Egypt. It was discovered while building the foundations for apartment buildings, and there are still excavations being made.

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