A few Egypt related notes here and there

A few Egypt related notes here and there

Special thanks to Kat Newkirk

DMA Offers Cheaper Tut Tickets on Anniversary of Discovery: Howard Carter opened the undisturbed tomb of King Tutankhamun on November 26th, 1922. Just for today, the first 100 visitors to buy Tut tickets at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts box office can get them for $19.22 each to commemorate the event.

The Museum: A 10-part BBC production kicks off with a peek into the lives and work of the British Museum conservators, who spend countless hours repairing, cleaning and restoring the museum's astonishing collection. One fellow describes repairing flecks of paint on an ancient Egyptian wall painting as terrifying - "one slip and 3000 years goes".
The Sydney Morning Herald

From the Curator's Diary at Egypt Manchester Museum blog:

"I have been up and down the country over the last two weeks, giving seminars
at Swansea University, in London at the EES, and at Cardiff University (this
coming Thursday), discussing curating Egyptian collections, gallery
redevelopments, and the ethics of displaying Egyptian human remains."

"When at the Museum, I have been working on the first version of the
consultation report for the proposed new Archaeology and Egyptology galleries (due to
open in 2012, if all goes to plan!), which will form the basis for parts of
the gallery content development next year, as well as supporting the
fundraising application, stressing the need to overhaul the existing galleries."

"I have also just about finshed repacking the Predynastic pottery from
Naqada, and will now move on to the Predynastic pottery from other sites, which
form much smaller groups. One of my volunteers is in the process of uploading
images of the Naqada Predynastic pottery to our collections database, and these
will be available to view through the web version of the catalogue."

- Ashmolean Egyptian Galleries Re-open, Refurbished
ArtInfo Oxford University's Ashmolean Museum has just opened a new chapter in the distant past, unveiling its new galleries dedicated to Ancient Egypt and Nubia. This £5 million ($7.7 million) refurbishment has allowed the re-housing of 40,000 artifacts...

- Exhibition: Egyptian Collection In Bexley
This is Local London With photos. A NEW exhibition on ancient Egyptian pottery is causing a stir at Hall Place in Bourne Road, Bexley. Following a £5.5m restoration project which was completed earlier this year, the Tudor house now has museum space...

- Egypt And Archaeology Gallery Consultation Report
Egypt at the Manchester Museum Blog (Steve Devine) The PDF of the report on the consultation carried out in 2008 to develop ideas for the proposed redevelopment of the ancient Egypt and Archaeology galleries at The Manchester Museum is available here:...

- Creative Spaces
Creative Spaces Thanks to Tom Gray for letting me know about the new Creative Spaces venture. Tom is working with the British Museum and 8 other major British galleries and museums on a new social media project called Creative Spaces. Creative Spaces...

- News Update From Manchester Museum
Egypt at the Manchester Museum blog Here's a short extract from the Curator's Diary for Monday 20th October: I am teaching an Introduction to Ancient Egypt for the MSc students in Forensic and Biomedical Egyptology at the KNH-centre, and this...

