A Middle Palaeolithic site with blade technology

A Middle Palaeolithic site with blade technology

"During the 1990 survey by the Belgian Middle Egypt Prehistoric Project of Leuven University, we discovered a Palaeolithic site on top of a hill (figure 1). It was only during the 2003 campaign that we were able to visit the site again. As an important artefact concentration was found, we organised a simple survey with a single small trench. There was no time for a systematic excavation. The site proved to have suffered very extensive destruction by recent quarrying activities, but still some important observations could be made". See the rest of the online paper for more, including some excellent photographs and lithic drawings.

Antiquity Vol 79 No 305 September 2005
A Middle Palaeolithic site with blade technology at Al Tiwayrat, Qena, Upper Egypt
Pierre M. Vermeersch, Philip Van Peer & Veerle Rots

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