A new home for mummies

A new home for mummies

http://tinyurl.com/cv9hu (Egyptian State Information Service)
A new hall to display mummies will open at the Egyptian Museum in two weeks time. The eleven mummies on display were part of a cache of 40 saved by priests of Amun in the 21st Dynasty, and reburied in the Valley of the Kings. "The first hall contains the mummies of the Egyptian warrior Pharaohs from Sekhen-en-Ra to Ramses II, while the new hall will house the mummies of the high priests of Amun".
See the above page on the State Information Service for the full story.

- Review Of The New Mummy Gallery In Cairo
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/808/hr2.htmNevine el-Aref reviews the new mummy gallery at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, giving very useful details about the origins of the mummies displayed. "The 53 mummies, the total in the two caches, were kept in...

- New Mummy Room At Cairo Museum
http://www.algomhuria.net.eg/gazette/1/"The Egyptian Museum will soon open a hall to display the four mummies of high priests. The mummies were found in sarcophagi dating back to the XXDynasty (1188-1069 BC).The hall, on the second floor of the museum,...

- 12 Mummies To Be Displayed At Egyptian Museum
http://www.sis.gov.eg/online/html12/o240825g.htm"Minister of Culture Farouq Hosni is to open next month the second hall for displaying the royal mummies at the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir square after the Ministry completed a project to develop display...

- Naked Bodies

- Covering Mummies
The fine people at the Manchester Museum have covered their mummies out of respect apparently. I certainly agree with the repatriation of human remains that are not on display but that does not mean hiding them that means reburial. The mummies on display...

