A Nobleman Named Aahotep

A Nobleman Named Aahotep

Here is an article from Archaeology.org on some finds from the burial of 17th Dynasty Theban nobleman Ahhotep who's burial has been discovered in that Dynasties necropolis.

Photo: CSIC

- More Re 17th Dynasty Granary Gate At Karnak
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) Luxor was in the spotlight this week. On its east bank, the French-Egyptian Centre for the study of the Karnak Temples (CFEETK) came across what is believed to be a 17th-Dynasty granary gate revealing the name of a new...

- Queen Behenu's Burial Chamber Discovered At Saqqara
Heritage Key (Ann Wuyts) With photos. A French archaeological team digging at Saqqara has discovered the burial chamber of 6th Dynasty Queen Behenu, wife of either Pepi I or Pepi II. The burial chamber was revealed while the team was cleaning the sand...

- Digging In The Delta
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- Old Kingdom Official Found
A skeleton of an official from the Vth Dynasty court of King Nefereer-Ka-Re has been located within his limestone sarcophagus at Abusir. The official named Nefer was discovered inside his roughly carved burial chamber by the Czek archaeological mission...

