A synagogue in Cairo

A synagogue in Cairo

New York Times (Andrew Baker)

One of Cairo’s most historic synagogues and a yeshiva, restored by the Egyptian government, is to be rededicated next week. Known colloquially as “Rav Moshe,” the yeshiva was the original study of Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, or Maimonides, the renowned physician, rabbinic scholar and leader of the Egyptian Jewish community in the 12th century. Accessible only by foot along narrow commercial streets, visitors today enter his yeshiva through the foyer of a 19th century synagogue built in his honor.

The 18-month project of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities involved a team of Egyptian experts ranging from art restorers to mechanical engineers at a cost of nearly $2 million.

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- Conservation: Egypt's Jewish Heritage
asharq alawsat (Zahi Hawass) There is a ridiculous story being circulated by malicious and biased media organs that claim that a group of Jews had informed UNESCO that the floor of the Maimonides synagogue in the ancient Al-Jamaliyah district of Old Cairo...

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- Synagogue Restoration
An article on the restoration of the Moses Ben Maimon synagogue. http://drhawass.com/blog/press-release-synagogue-moses-ben-maimon...

