A Year in Egyptology

A Year in Egyptology

This has been a mixed year with some success's such as the return of stolen antiquities to Egypt but also some not so successful excavations. Dr. Zahi Hawass had reported two new tombs in the valley of kings which so far have not materialized as also the tomb of Antony and Cleopatra, though the idea that Cleopatra and Mark Antony are buried together seems far fetched to this author.


- Egyptologists Dig Into Mystery Of Possible Tomb
SFGate (Sam Whiting) The unearthing of evidence pointing to the lost tomb of Mark Antony and Cleopatra at a 2,000-year-old temple in the Mediterranean has raised skepticism among some Egyptologists even before the first remains are raised. "I don't...

- Video: More Re Search For Cleopatra
National Geographic Archaeologists are hoping to begin excavating three sites at a temple in Egypt soon in an attempt to find the final resting place of doomed lovers Cleopatra and Mark Antony. The temple is located near the northern coastal city of Alexandria...

- Search For Tomb Of Cleopatra And Mark Antony
adnkronos international Thanks very much to Pier for sending me this English version of yesterday's Spanish post on the same subject. Archaeologists have revealed plans to uncover the 2000 year-old tomb of ancient Egypt's most famous lovers, Cleopatra...

- Hawass Hopes To Locate The Tomb Of Cleopatra
http://tinyurl.com/zbzg4 In his first trip to South Africa, Zahi Hawass has announced that he hopes to locate the tomb of Cloepatra in two months time: "Hawass told The Star on Wednesday that he suspects Cleopatra is buried with her Roman lover Mark Antony...

- The Temple Of Taposiris Magna
The temple is currently being investigated to locate the mummies of Cleopatra and Mark Antony. I find it hard to believe that they would be found buried together and even if they were it would politically been more advantageous to cremate Mark Antony....

