Abydos Lecture Dr Matthew Adams

Abydos Lecture Dr Matthew Adams

It's just as well that Jane has been as alert as ever, and has published the latest lecture notes from the Mummificiation Museum, or it would be a somewhat empty day on the news front! This week she is reporting about the lecture by Dr Matthew Adams entitled Monuments of Egypt’s Early Kings at Abydos: "The team have been at Abydos since 1991 and it is a joint University of Pennsylvania, New York Fine arts and Yale venture. They have been excavating in the area of Um el Qa’eb (Arabic for mother of pots) where there are a number of 1st and 2nd dynasty graves. This site was excavated many years ago and is now being re-excavated."

- Object Biography #2: A Label Of King Djer (acc. No. 6763a)
Manchester Museum (Campbell Price) A really good piece, putting the label into its Abydos context. With photos and illustrations. This small (1.8 x 1.9 cm) piece of incised bone doesn’t look like much, but it comes from one of Pharaonic Egypt’s most...

- Mummification Museum Lecture - Khasekhemwy
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Khasekhemwy Cultic enclosure at Abydos – Mathew Adams This was the last of a long series of similar structures. King Aha was discovered 2 years ago. They all rectangular, enclosing a ritual space, surrounded by sacrificial...

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- Mummification Museum Lecture - Tt39 Puimra - Dr Gabirela Arrache
http://touregypt.net/teblog/luxornews/?p=509Thanks to Jane Akshar for adding some more notes from the lecture series held at Luxor's Mummification Museum. Her latest notes are from Dr Gabirela Arrache's lecture on TT39, the tomb of Puimra. "Dr...

- Luxor News
Some news items by Jane Akshar on her Luxor News Blog http://touregypt.net/teblog/luxornews/ The Temple of Muthttp://touregypt.net/TEBlog/luxornews/?p=164 First, Jane has been lucky enough to visit the Temple of Mut, next to Karnak, where excavations...

