Abzu Updates

Abzu Updates

As previously reported, Chuck Jones will no longer be sending monthly lists of material added to Abzu but you can see recently added material by following the "View items recently added to ABZU" link at the above URL. Items remain in the "recently added to ABZU" page for a month, so those interested should keep an eye on that page. The Abzu team are working towards way to allow other methods of notification when new material is added. When this is announced by Chuck Jones, I will post details here.

- Abzu
http://www.etana.org/abzu/ Please see the following update and request for feedback re the excellent Abzu service, from Chuck Jones. Abzu is an excellent resource for Near Eastern (and Egyptian) documents, with authors like Sir William Flinders Petrie...

- Abzu Updated
New from Chuck Jones: To find material newly added to Abzu, you can follow the "View items recently added to ABZU link at:http://www.etana.org/abzu/ Entries stay there for a month from the date they are entered. Alternatively you can make use of the RSS...

- Abzu Updated
http://www.etana.org/abzu/ Abzu has been updated again. To find material which has been added recently, you can follow the "View items recently added to ABZU" link on the above page, where entries remain visible for a month. Alternatively you can make...

- What's New In Abzu
The latest from Chuck Jones, posted recently to EEF: "To find material newly added to Abzu, you can follow the "View items recently added to ABZU" link at: http://www.etana.org/abzu/ entries stay there for a month from the date they are entered. Alternatively...

- Abzu
http://www.etana.org/abzu/Thanks to Chuck Jones for the information that ABZU has recently been updated. For those unfamiliar with Abzu, operating since October 1994 it is "a guide to the rapidly increasing, and widely distributed data relevant to the...

