Akhenaten à la Grèque

Akhenaten à la Grèque

A review of Mahdi Bunduq's play and the recent staging of Akher Ayyam Akhnaton (The Last Days/Day of Akhenaten) comparing it with Alfred Farag's earlier The Fall of a Pharaoh. Both take on the reign of Akhenaten, dramatising the king's life. Bunduq "recklessly embraced the controversial and much debated details of Akhenaten's personal life and relationships and with a little help from the imagination wove them into a suspenseful family melodrama involving incest, murder and revenge". See the Al Ahram article above for more details and a detailed review of the plays, the storylines and the participants.

- Fiction: Murder Of King Tut
Comic Book Resources (Doug Zawisza) Adapted from James Patterson's novel, "The Murder of King Tut," this comic book adaptation juxtaposes the tales of Howard Carter and the history of the Amenhotep and his heir, Akhenaten, from the Eighteenth Dynasty...

- More Re Tutankhamun Dna
ABC News International (Paul Schemm) Four page story. Now experts are planning more tests to uncover further details about Akhenaten's royal family. The new attention could also give a push to a planned new Akhenaten museum that will showcase his...

- Review: Earl Ertman Article On Amarna Period In Kmt
http://www.ohio.com/mld/ohio/entertainment/visual_arts/16334079.htm"Earl Ertman -- The University of Akron emeritus professor of Egyptian art has written an article featured in the new KMT: a Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt (Vol. 17, Winter 2006-2007)....

- Nefertiti - The Movie
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2005/739/fe4.htm http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2005/739/fr3.htm The controversial best-seller 'Moses and Akhenaten' by Ahmed Othman is the basis of the new Hollywood mega-production, entiltled 'Nefertiti'. Apparently,...

- Professor Barry Kemp At The Rom
Professor Barry Kemp the director of the Amarna trust has been excavating at Tell el Amarna in middle Egypt since 1977. The sites name in antiquity was Akhetaten, the home of Akhenaten the heritic pharaoh who ruled the two lands in the middle of the...

