Akhenaten's New Home

Akhenaten's New Home

Here an article on the planned museum of the Amarna period at Minya including in the plans for the museum is the return of the supposed remains of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, his mother Tiye's mummy and the mummy KV 35 younger lady who is now thanks to the recent two year study been shown to be the sister of the supposed Akhenaten remains and also mom to Tutankhamen.

- More Re Dna Studies - Focusing On Akhenaten
AP News This article focuses on the identification of the mummy in KV55 as Akhenaten and also looks at why Akhenaten was more important in ancient Egypt than Tutankhamun. Here's an extract. The discovery of Akhenaten's remains lay to rest longtime...

- More Re Tutankhamun Dna
ABC News International (Paul Schemm) Four page story. Now experts are planning more tests to uncover further details about Akhenaten's royal family. The new attention could also give a push to a planned new Akhenaten museum that will showcase his...

- Photo For Today: Tutankhamun Family Album
Based on the JAMA paper here's a photographic hall of fame based on Tutankhamun's new ly proposed family tree, just for a bit of fun. I'm sorry that they're not better - these are just the ones I have kicking around on my laptop. One...

- Professor Barry Kemp At The Rom
Professor Barry Kemp the director of the Amarna trust has been excavating at Tell el Amarna in middle Egypt since 1977. The sites name in antiquity was Akhetaten, the home of Akhenaten the heritic pharaoh who ruled the two lands in the middle of the...

- The Forgotten Boy
In the recent two year study of Eighteenth Dynasty royal mummies it seems that this boy from a side chamber in valley of kings tomb KV 35 was not included. There are artifacts from the tomb Kv 35 which belong to a son of Amenhotep II named Webensenu as...

