Amarna fund raising tour
Friends of the Petrie (Lucia Gahlin)
Amarna at sunset. Photograph by Lucia Gahlin |
I don't advertise tours, but this one is organized by the Friends of the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology to raise funds for the Amara Project (under the directorship of Professor Barry Kemp) and the Petrie Museum.
Th tour, presented by Lucia Gahlin and accompanied by Barry Kemp, represents a superb way of raising funds for excavations and conservation work whilst enabling the public to experience Amarna through the eyes of those who know it so well.
The Friends of the Petrie Museum invite you to join a very special fund-raising tour to Egypt, conceived and accompanied by Professor Barry Kemp.
This 14-day tour is In the Footsteps of Napoleon’s Savants and will take place 21 September - 4 October 2012. Site visits the length of Egypt will include 3 'special openings'. Barry Kemp's lectures will explain how the original expedition and its corps of savants operated, and the condition of Egypt and its sites at that time.
This tour is taking place to raise funds for the Amarna Trust and the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology.
For further information and a booking form visit:
Or contact the organiser Lucia Gahlin at: [email protected]
Photo For Today By Lucia Gahlin
Thanks to everyone who emailed to say that they particularly liked the Amarna photographs generously supplied by Lucia Gahlin. This is the last of them, so enjoy the view! Amarna plain from north tombs Copyright Lucial Gahlin Bloomsbury Summer School...
Photo For Today By Lucia Gahlin
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