Amenhotep III

Amenhotep III

Colossal statues will soon accompany the colossi of Memnon as well as other statuary recently found at the mortuary temple of Amenhotep III.

- Imalqata Project Update - Everything Amenhotep
iMalqata Project  With some useful links. 2012 is turning out to be the year of Amenhotep III. In addition to our work at his jubilee palace-city at Malqata, excavations and restoration projects are going on in the king’s mortuary temple, his tomb...

- The Results Of Fieldwork At Kom El-hettan (amenhotep Iii, Luxor) (Zahi Hawass) Press Release (see the above page for the full story). With photos. During their excavation at the funerary temple of the 18th Dynasty king, Amenhotep III (c. 1390-1352 BC), at Kom el-Hettan on the west bank of Luxor, the mission...

- Hourig Sourouzian: Resurrection"The Colossi of Memnon, two lonely sentinels, have greeted visitors to the Theban necropolis since Roman times. More recently, as you look beyond the seated monoliths, a temple can be seen progressively re-emerging...

- The Reconstruction Of Amenhotep Iii
Two 14 m colossal sandstone statues of King Amenhotep III discovered in that kings mortuary temple in 1933 have been uncovered and packed to be shipped to a dryer climate to be reconstructed and consolidated with the intent of returning them...

- Raising Amenhotep
The northern of two colossal statues which stood in front of the mortuary temple of the 18th dynasty king Amenhotep III who died in the middle of the 14th century bc has been stood up. It is a beastly piece of rubble with the exception that the great...

