Amenhotep III Statues

Amenhotep III Statues

I know the last time we reported statues found of this King we never did see the statue and then it became confusing. However this time we have pictures and the two statues found here look like nice ones.

- Another Statue Uncoverd At The Temple Of Amenhotep Iii, Luxor Press Release. The upper portion of a red granite double statue featuring King Amenhotep III (1390-1352 BC) with the falcon-headed sun god Re-Horakhti was found today on the north western side of Amenhotep III’s funerary temple on Luxor’s...

- More Re Statues Found At Kom El-hettan Press release with photo. The Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni, announced that two red granite statues of King Amenhotep III and of the god Thoth, were unearthed near the Pharaoh’s funerary temple at Kom el-Hettan on Luxor’s west bank....

- Archaeologists Find Statues Of Ancient Egypt King
Reuters UK A team of Egyptian and European archaeologists have discovered two statues of King Amenhotep III, who ruled Egypt roughly 3,400 years ago, the Supreme Council for Antiquities said Thursday. Chief Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawaas said in a...

- Two More Stolen Statuettes Returned To Cairo Museum
Two more late period bronzes stolen from the Egyptian Museum, Cairo have been discovered and will be returned. The statues include a statue of Osiris and a statue of the god Harpocrates. Two more statues have also been recovered of the same gods and will...

- Looking Eternally Good
Here are two more particularly beautiful pictures of undisturbed mummies recently found at the Lahun pyramid.

