An update from the Ramesseum

An update from the Ramesseum

Luxor News Blog

Jane Akshar has posted a new report from Luxor (accompanied by a photograph):
I was passing today and got this update. Between the storage magazines and the Amenhotep II temple they have discovered a processional way with jackal head sphinxes. Just like the ones at the temple of Merenptah. Apparently there were approx 37-40 of these. This replica is of gypsum and they are carving a stone version.

- News From The Sca In Luxor
Luxor News Blog Thanks to Jane Akshar for the information that Ibrahim Soliman (Supreme Council of Antiquities) has been promoted to Head of Karnak and Luxor. Also from Jane's blog is the news that Abdel Fattah (new head of the SCA) is aiming to complete...

- Roman Baths At Karnak
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Jane has posted the latest photograph of the recently discovered Roman baths in the northwest corner of the Karnak temple complex. See the above page for the photo. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Discoveries And Restoration At Karnak
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) At Karnak a new Ptolemaic bath house has been discovered. Jane says that there will be a lecture about it at the Mummification Museum in the next few weeks, so hopefully she will be able to report on it for us. Jane has also...

- Mortuary Temple Of Amenhotep Ii Jane's been busy again: "There was furious activity at the temple of Amenhotep II the other day. This a mud brick temple situated next to the Ramasseum. According to the sign it is the Italian Archaeological...

- The Raising Of Amenhotep Iii
The Egyptian antiquities service has re-erected 2 statues on their original site in the memorial temple of Amenhotep III at Luxor. Amenhotep III was known as "the magnificent" because he reigned at the epoch of the Egyptian empire in the middle of the...

