Ancient Egyptian Beauty Practice Revived

Ancient Egyptian Beauty Practice Revived
I've often been intrigued by some of the ways in which Ancient Egypt has influenced modern culture, in architecture, jewellery, computer games and the like, but this is somewhat off the beaten track of Egyptian influence - and not for the squeamish. According to this item, an increasing number of women in Japan are subjecting themselves to a new fad: "mimicking a treatment first developed thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt and sewing threads of pure gold into their cheeks. Golden strings laced into the face are said to have made Cleopatra look at the time of her death at age 39 as though she had the skin of a 15-year-old. And now Japanese women are flocking to get a glimmer in their mugs". The the article for more about this truly bizarre practice!

- Book Review: Cleopatra: A Biography
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (Reviewed by Josiah Osgood) Duane W. Roller, Cleopatra: A Biography. Women in Antiquity. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Cleopatra is a familiar name today for one reason above all: Shakespeare. But so memorable...

- New Gallery At The Oriental Museum, Durham, Uk
Oriental Museum The Oriental Museum in Durham (part of the University of Durham) has opened a new gallery featuring Egyptian art. Opened on the 10th July 2009, the display includes both familiar objects and items that have never previously been on display....

- Preparing For Tutankhamun Fever In London, U.k.
The Telegraph (Christopher Howse) A much better than average article about the discovery of Tutankhamun, the European fascination with ancient Egypt and the Tutankhamun exhibition that is opening shortly in London. rave robbers had twice struck within...

- Global Influence Of Egyptian Culture (Egyptian State Information Service)"The Culture of Egypt has five thousand years of recorded history. Ancient Egypt was among the earliest civilizations. For millennia, Egypt maintained a strikingly complex and stable culture...

- More On Nefertiti, The Movie "International filmmakers have always been intrigued by the air of mystique that envelops the lives of ancient Egypt’s pharaohs. While screenwriters and directors of the last century were captivated...

