Ancient Egyptian cures for stomach disorders

Ancient Egyptian cures for stomach disorders (
More about the research partnership between England's University of Manchester and the Egyptian Medicinal Plant Conservation Project in St. Katherine's, Sinai:
"Although findings are preliminary, it appears that treating constipation preoccupied early doctors. 'The ancient Egyptians used a diverse range of plants for an equally diverse range of medical conditions,' lead researcher Ryan Metcalfe told Discovery News. 'Laxatives dominated the field, with bulk laxatives, such as figs, bran and dates in common use.'
Metcalfe, a scientist in the university's School of Medicine, added that the Egyptians used bowel stimulants such as the bitter fruit coloynth and castor oil, "which remained in clinical use until about 40 years ago."
One ancient remedy, believed to relieve excess gas and indigestion, consisted of cumin, a hefty portion of goosefat and milk. All were boiled together, strained and consumed."
See the above 2-page article for more information about both the project and its findings. Fascinating stuff.

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