Ancient Egyptian Husband and Wife to Be Re-united at Brussels Ancient Art Fair

Ancient Egyptian Husband and Wife to Be Re-united at Brussels Ancient Art Fair

PR Web

After thousands of years of separation, it appears that the husband and wife depicted in an ancient Egyptian pair statue may be reunited at last. Thanks to the skillful eye of an Egyptologist, who recognized similarities between our fragment and a fragment in a European museum collection, the couple may once again be joined together. The possible reunion is set to take place at the 10th annual Brussels Ancient Art Fair in June at the Hixenbaugh Ancient Art exhibition.   

The Hixenbaugh Ancient Art fragment is of a seated female figure wearing a high-waisted dress and a tri-partite wig, her left arm is extended to embrace her husband. The statue dates to either the New Kingdom or the Third Intermediate Period(ca. 1550 – 702 BC). The statue was intentionally defaced in antiquity - the pair separated and the woman’s face obliterated to damn her for all time. 

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