Ancient Egyptian Language Website - New Pages

Ancient Egyptian Language Website - New Pages
A new resource on the excellent AEL website has been announced. It consists of a tabulated index of textual references appearing in popular grammars, with particular references to the Westcar papyrus and the Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor. The task was carried out by Ken Saunders who kindly donated this material to the AEL website. See the above link to see this great piece of work.

- The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus
Thanks to the Resource Shelf blog for the information that the Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus is now available online at the Turning the Pages Online website, from where you can load the virtual papyrus, or you can link to it directly by clicking here (it...

- Egyptology Websites
Thanks very much to Kat Newkirk for pointing out two websites which might be of interest to blog visitors. If anyone else wants to point out sites that they think may be of interest to other visitors to the blog, please let me know. An Introduction...

- Saharan Prehistoric Climate - Bibliography promised some time ago that I would post a bibliography for the climate during the Late Quaternary and Early to Mid Holocene in the Eastern Sahara. So, in response to a number of people who have...

- Kv63 Update KV63 website has been updated with some more news: "Coffin G (the Youth Coffin) was bought up successfully. The coffin appears very solid and in good condition (no termite damage). The coffin does possess a very...

- New Online Exhibition Re Ancient Egyptian Cereals Currently only in French, but shortly to be published in English as well, this site is about Egyptian cereals in general. Different sections look at the basics of cereals in ancient Egypt, bread...

