Ancient Egyptian Pillow Analyzed

Ancient Egyptian Pillow Analyzed
Many thanks to Aayko Eyma from EEF for forwarding me this piece from the Discovery Channel about the analysis of an unusual ancient Egyptian pillow: "Most ancient Egyptian pillows were rather uncomfortable-looking headrests carved out of wood, ivory and stone, but scientists have just analyzed a 4,000-year-old Egyptian pillow made out of woven plant fibers that were encased in a wax coating. The rare artifact, which dates to 2055-1985 B.C., suggests Cleopatra and other well-known ancient Egyptians may have snoozed on relatively fluffy pillows that perhaps biodegraded over time, leaving the hard headrests for modern archaeologists to find."

- Rare Egyptian "warrior" Tomb Found
National Geographic (Steve Stanek) An unusual, well-preserved burial chamber that may contain the mummy of an ancient warrior has been discovered in a necropolis in Luxor. Scientists opened the tomb—found in Dra Abul Naga, an ancient cemetery on Luxor's...

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- Kv63 Update
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- Hatshepsut Discovered?
OH OH the cracks in this story are widening and though I feel confident in the tooth evidence the rush to air this sensational find in the mass media when the story should have been published in reputable scientific publications, allowed to be analyzed...

