Ancient shipreck replicas

Ancient shipreck replicas
A story about the sailing of replica shipwrecks in Turkey. The relevance is that one of the ships, the Uluburun, originally carried a seal thought to belong to Nefertiti: "The 360 Degree Research Group, which had built the replica of the oldest known shipwreck, Uluburun II, is now getting ready to initiate a new project anticipating a voyage from Phokaia (modern Foça) to the Marseille via two replica ancient ships. . . . A replica of the oldest known shipwreck, Uluburun II, was built by the 360 Degree Historical Research Association in Urla, İzmir and displayed in Bodrum as part of activities marking the 80th anniversary of Sabotage Day in July. Considered to be one of the most significant archaeological finds of the 20th century, the 3,300-year-old Uluburun took its place in history as the oldest commercial vessel while the artifacts - including a 3,300-year-old seal believed to belong to Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, a huge amphora and jewelry - excavated from the shipwreck excited science and archeology circles."
See the above for the full story.

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