

I resisted this story as it is in this authors opinion that understanding art with the perspective of a modern view is misleading of the ancient message being sent by a Kings propaganda.

In defense the erasure of this Kings memory by his successors has not helped in identifying the character of the King.

The royal family with the legs of antelopes fits in quite nicely with the anthropomoric nature of Egypt's Gods,

- Before The Valley Of The Kings: Egypt's Last Royal Pyramids
Loyola University new Orleans Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Time: 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm Location: Miller Hall, Room 114 Before the Valley of the Kings: Egypt’s Last Royal Pyramids " by Dr. Stephen Harvey (Michel and Nelly Abemayor Lecture in Egyptian...

- Temples, Tombs & Hieroglyphs
Barbara Mertz Harper 2007 ISBN 978 0 06 125276 1 This is the second revised edition of this 1964 book by the well respected author Barbara Mertz. This book starts out with the traditional format of the earliest cultures of Upper and lower Egypt up to...

- Chronicle Of The Pharaohs
Peter A. Clayton Thames and Hudson New York 1994 ISBN-13: 978-0-500-28628-9 The book opens with the usual background information on Pharaonic Egypt including the authors intentions of tracing Egyptian history through kingship. The introduction deals...

- Hatchepsut: The Female Pharaoh
Joyce Tyldesley Viking England 1996 ISBN 0-670-85976-1 This 234 page book is by the highly accredited Egyptologist Joyce Tyldesley so I felt I was heading into a good read though I must admit that it started off slow. The author certainly has a lot...

- Amarna From A Balloon
A fine article about the Heretic King's capital with 2 fine videos to watch. I have thought for many years that living in his time would have been brutal on the people with only the courtiers and the royal family living the good life. The King's...

