Another article about the Nefertiti bust dispute.

Another article about the Nefertiti bust dispute.

Al Ahram Weekly (Wafaa El-Seddiq)

A century has passed since the bust of Nefertiti was discovered in Tel Al-Amarna, near Minya. Eleven years after the discovery a debate over its legitimate ownership erupted, and that debate is still going on. The Germans say that they acquired it legally, whereas the Egyptians maintain that the legalities were fraught with foul play.

Since the Nefertiti bust went into display in Berlin in 1923, researchers and politicians have been arguing about the manner in which this exquisite piece of ancient art left Egypt, and the possible duplicitous involvement in its acquisition by the Germans.

For many people, the Nefertiti bust is the cause celebre for all the stolen treasures of antiquity, for all the invaluable pieces of art that crossed borders in dubious circumstances, and for the numerous campaigns made for their restitution to their places of origin.

- Nefertiti Again, 100 Years On
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) It seems that there is no foreseeable resolution to the long conflict between Germany and Egypt over ownership of the 3,400-year-old bust of Queen Nefertiti, wife of the monotheistic pharaoh Akhenaten. Now, a century after...

- Another Article Re Nefertiti And Repatriation
ABC News /Spiegel Online (Michael Sontheimer and Ulrike Knöfel) Comprehensive four-page overview of the case and its history. Germany and Egypt have long been at odds over the return of the famous bust of Nefertiti. Now documents found in archives...

- Ongoing Saga Of Nefertiti Bust
All Voices (Christopher Szabo) Demands by Egypt for the return of Queen Nefertiti’s bust to Cairo have been turned down by Germany. State Minister for Culture Bernd Neumann argued the statue rightfully belonged to Germany. Neumann rejected Egyptian...

- Never Ending Nefertiti
I recently purchased an old book and found inside a 50 year old postcard from Luxor with a picture of none other than the Berlin Nefertiti and wow here I am writing yet another piece on her. The controversy level on this bust is through the roof and doubtless...

- Nefertiti Please Come Home
Here we have an article on the bust of Nefertiti in Berlin whether the bust was stolen by the excavator or manufactured by the same man who had a history of creating fakes.

