Another statement by Hawass

Another statement by Hawass

Hawass talks about his career and ongoing restoration work at the Sphinx. He says that one of his priorities is the get the Giza plateau open to the public shortly.

He also says that at Saqqara the tombs of May, Nefer and the Two Brothers are safe, as are the Imhotep Museum and storage magazines.

- Hawass - Recent Trip To Saqqara (Zahi Hawass) Yesterday, I went to Saqqara to open the New Kingdom tombs for visitors. This new set of tombs includes the tombs of Tutankhamen’s treasurer, Maya, and his general who would become king, Horemheb. I want to encourage the tourists...

- Restoration Work At The Sphinx Continues Two photographs (185 and 186) of the restoration work currently being carried out on the Great Sphinx at Giza Plateau. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- New Storage Magazines In Egypt (Zahi Hawass) With photos. If someone were to ask me what I thought was one of the best things I had done during my term as Secretary General of the SCA, I would say the building of storage magazines all over Egypt. Over the last eight years...

- The State Of The Museum
This statement from Dr. Zahi Hawass is informative about the possible events relating to the robbery of the Cairo museum and the people who committed the crime. Dr. Hawass also talks about the restoration of damaged objects and the ongoing inventory of...

- Khufu, Khafra
Here Dr. Hawass talks about the Sphinx its history, restorations and Dr. Hawass' connection to the statue for an upcoming program.

