Antiquity News from Egypt Magazine

Antiquity News from Egypt Magazine
Summaries of the new finds at the Temple of Mut (the decorated lintel) and Marsa Gawasis:
"Evidence pointed to the use of Marsa Gawasis as the port for voyages to punt from the early Middle Kingdom to the early New Kingdom. The four man-made caves and the planks are the world's oldest maritime artifacts along with 21 wooden crates and a new stele with the five names of Amenemhat III."
See the above page for the full stories on both discoveries.

- A Step Nearer To Finding The Land Of Punt?
Heritage Key (Owen Jarus) Throughout their history the ancient Egyptians recorded making voyages to a place called the 'Land of Punt'. To the Egyptians it was a far-off source of exotic animals and valuable goods. From there they brought back...

- Maritime Archaeologist At Helm Of Modern Journey To Ancient Egyptian Land
PhysOrg Ancient Egyptians may be best known for building pyramids, but internationally renowned maritime archaeologist Cheryl Ward wants the world to know that they were pretty good sailors, too. She ought to know. Ward, an associate professor of anthropology...

- Marsa Gawasis, Safaga - Oldest Maritime Artefacts ( much more detailed account than usual, on the State Information Service website, about the ongoing excavations at the Pharaonic port of Marsa Gawasis in Safaga: "Late December last year, after more than three metres...

- More Re Wadi Gawasis item covering the find made by Boston University and the University of Naples l’Orientale, who uncovered remains of sea-faring ships and cargo boxes containing goods from the lost-land of Punt, in caves at...

- Ancient Ship Remains At Red Sea Port (Monsters and Critics)"The remains of a ship used by ancient Egyptians for commercial trips to the fabled land of Punt have been discovered in five caves engraved in a port on the Red Sea. The find, in the Marsa Gawasees area...

