Anubis on the Thames to advertise Tutankhamun

Anubis on the Thames to advertise Tutankhamun

BBC News
I'm sorry I missed this - I only live a two minute walk from the Thames.

Tower Bridge was raised to allow the 25ft (7.6m) statue of Anubis to travel to its position in Trafalgar Square.

The installation is to mark the opening of Tutankhamun And The Golden Age Of The Pharaohs at the O2 Bubble.

The five-tonne statue arrived in London from the US where a three-year touring exhibition of the pharaoh's treasures has just ended.

The exhibition will be the first to be held at the O2 Bubble venue, and about 265,000 tickets have already been sold.

Also on the This Is London website.

Photos appear on both of the above sites, and a third can be found elsewhere on the BBC website.

The Associated Press version of the story says that the statue will be in Trafalgar Square for three days before being moved to other venues within London.

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