Anybody Loose a Fetus

Anybody Loose a Fetus

This article is on Dr. Zahi Hawass's continued examination of all the royal mummies with his new DNA lab. Though I imagine getting DNA from these deteriorated mummies will be difficult.

Though the two fetus's were found in King Tutankamen that does not necessarily mean they are his. Like much of the boy Kings funerary equipment the fetus's may actually belong to Tut's predecessor King Smenkare.

However if they do belong to King Tut and his Queen and they yield mitochondrial DNA than perhaps they may point to one of the unknown female mummies as Queen Ankhesenamun.;_ylt=AsSchmSC9Gt0HMndo96a6OBFeQoB

- Antiquity Vol 83, No.319, March 2009
Antiquity Volume 83 No.319 For those who have subscriptions or academic access, the following article in Antiquity may be of interest: C.A. Hellier and R.C. Connolly A re-assessment of the larger fetus found in Tutankhamen's tomb As noted by Geoffrey...

- More Re Dna Testing To Be Carried Out On Fetuses
National Geographic (Andrew Bossone) The young Tut, who reigned from 1336 to 1337 B.C., is controversially thought to be the son of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Kiya. But some archaeologists believe he could be the son of Akhenaten's other wife,...

- More Re Dna Testing To Be Carried Out On Mummy
Egypt State Information Service More re the announcement by Zahi Hawass that an anonymous mummy is going to undergo DNA testing with a view to determining if it is Tuthmosis I. A mummy found at the Valley of the Kings in Luxor might belong to Tohotmos...

- The Truth In The Search For Nefertiti
In a very flawed article from the Archaeology News Network, the former head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, Dr. Zahi Hawass disputes Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves theory that the tomb of Nefertiti will be found behind the painted walls...

- King Tut's Babies?
Here we have an article from Al Ahram on the studying the fetus's found in the boy kings tomb. ...

