Archaeology Magazine May/June

Archaeology Magazine May/June
"The contents listing for the next issue of Archaeology magazine is online on the Archaeology website. It's cover image and lead story focueses on Saqqara, City of the Dead by Andrew Lawler, and there is an online feature on the subject:
"Saqqara has yielded some of antiquity's most compelling art and architecture, from the magnificent complex of Djoser, which set the standard for future pharaonic tombs, to intimate, carved stone friezes picturing some of the most moving scenes of daily life in ancient Egypt, such as one in the modest grave of Nefer, a minor official, in which a farmer gently feeds and pets his bull. But it also remains vexing. Whether people actually lived there is in dispute. And despite all the Old Kingdom royal tombs, no mummies of rulers have been identified. At the same time, excavators have found tens of thousands of mummies of cats and dogs, ibis and fish, baboons and crocodiles. No concrete evidence of the workshops one would expect at such a vast funerary metropolis has been found, and, despite the richness of individual tombs, there is as yet no completed modern survey of the site."
See the full abstract at the following URL:

- Magazine: Current World Archaeology, Egypt Special
Current World Archaeology Many thanks to lovely Mark Morgan for sending me the following information. The August/September issue of Current World Archaeology is devoted to Egypt. Over the years, some of the greatest discoveries in this extraordinary land...

- Special Online Feature: Priestess Of Amun
Archaeology Magazine (Eti Bonn-Muller) There is a great online feature about Meresamun on the Archaeology Magazine website. See the above page for a number of different sections which look at different aspects of Meresamun. ARCHAEOLOGY's March/April...

- More Re New Tombs At Saqqara Zahi Hawass has updated his web pages with three photographs of the site. USA Today Dr. Aidan Dodson, a research fellow at the University of Bristol's Department of Archaeology and Anthropology in Bristol, England who was not involved...

- Archaeology Magazine - September/october 2006 the above address for a full list of contents of the latest issue of Archaeology magazine. Below are two items that might be of particular interest. The magazine is leading with a feature entitled Archaeology:...

- Website Review: Ancient Civilizations The above is a short review on the Archaeology magazine website of the British Museum's interactive "Ancient Civilizations" website: "Clicking on one of these links brings the user to a world map with...

