Article preview: Review - The Rosetta Stone and the Rebirth of Ancient Egypt

Article preview: Review - The Rosetta Stone and the Rebirth of Ancient Egypt (
"The Stone's hieroglyphics were translated nearly two centuries ago, yet it has lost none of its mystique. Andrew Robinson looks for reasons why. What do a computer program for learning languages, a space mission in search of the building blocks of the solar system, a technique for deciphering the human genome and a Japanese glam rock group all have in common? The answer: the Rosetta Stone. That broken chunk of dark grey granite-like stone is used by scientists and rockers alike to invoke the idea of cracking a mysterious code and uncovering deep secrets. Weighing three-quarters of a tonne and dated 27 March 196 BC, the Rosetta Stone is the most famous object in the British Museum in London. For years a plain postcard bearing its image has outsold every other postcard in the museum's shop. A replica sits in the King's Library in the museum, where visitors can run their fingers over its hieroglyphic symbols."

- Rosetta Stone Unlocks Egyptian History (Jason B. Jones) 1822: Jean-François Champollion shows a draft translation of the mysterious Rosetta stone and demonstrates to the world how to read the voluminous hieroglyphics left behind by the scribes of ancient Egypt. The story of the...

- Anniversary Of The Discovery Of The Rosetta Stone
Philosophy of Science blog (David Petersen) Thanks very much to David for letting me know that I had missed the anniversary of the discovery of the Rosetta Stone on 19th July :-) Never mind. Have a look at David's blog above for a summary of its discovery...

- Rosetta Stone Requested For Loan
The Art Newspaper The Egyptian government has made a formal request to borrow the Rosetta Stone from the British Museum (BM). A letter was sent last month by Dr Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities. . . . . Whether the loan is eventually...

- Book Review: John Ray - The Rosetta Stone And The Rebirth Of Ancient Egypt "John Ray takes us through how they worked out the meaning of the words – first translating the ancient Greek, then gradually associating the different Hieroglyphics...

- Review: The Last Man Who Knew Everything - Thomas Young ("Resistant to artificial barriers and educated in various countries, Young became one of the first truly international scientists, corresponding with experts from all over the world. . . . The best part of the...

