ARTP website updated

ARTP website updated
The latest installment in the ARTP's work in the area of KV63 from 1998 to 2002. The fifth installment takes up from the team's conclusion that there might be undiscovered layers in the Theban necropolis (see end of installment 4): "For ARTP’s 2000 season the decision was taken to test this hypothesis by means of radar. The equipment employed was a custom-built 400 MHz system designed by our Japanese radar specialist, Hirokatsu Watanabe (Terra Information Co Ltd, Yokohama). A difficult technology to use because of the multiple reflections which tend to be generated, radar proved surprisingly accurate in the dry Valley terrain once calibrated to the site and its output correctly analysed." See the full account on the above page. The account is accompanied by a photo of ARTP's 2000 radar survey in progress immediately above KV63, together with radar sections showing the tomb shaft.

- Kv64 Update
Luxor News For those of you unfamiliar with KV64, it is the most recently published discovery in the Valley of the Kings, identified so far only by radar. Dr Nick Reeves revealed the existence of the site on the Amarna Royal Tombs Project (ARTP) website,...

- Breaking News: Kv64 - New Tomb Identified? very much indeed to the nameless hero who emailed me the following piece of breaking news, which has been unfolding on the Amarna Royal Tombs Project (ARTP) website. Dr Nick Reeves, who updated the...

- Artp Website Updated latest installment of background information to the KV63 discovery has been added to the Amarna Royal Tombs Project website by Nick Reeves: "If ARTP knew about the existence of KV63 as early as 2000...

- Artp Website Updated The ARTP website continues to be updated by Nick Reeves, this time with ongoing postings about the ARTP's work in the KV63 area, before the concession was reassigned, together with details about what...

- Amarna Royal Tombs Project - Update Amarna Royal Tombs Project website has been updated by Dr Nicholas Reeves with further statements of clarification, following ongoing speculation and comment. Here is an extract: "I’ll begin by addressing...

