Asian Tourism in Egypt

Asian Tourism in Egypt
"There is so much to Egypt besides the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. This is the message Samy Mahmoud, tourism counselor, Egyptian Tourism Authority (ETA), is spreading among Indian tourists.
Egypt is steeped in history, and their popular resorts such as the Sharm el-Sheikh are frequented by the likes Tony Blair and which Bill Clinton describes as paradise. But there are also temples and ancient churches that very few tourists know about. Also, many wonders lie beyond the borders of Cairo.
India is an important market for Egypt. In 2006, 65,000 Indians traveled to Egypt, which is an increase of 15% compared with 2005. As an effort to improve tourist traffic from India, Egypt is starting a flight from Delhi and adding one more from Mumbai. . . . Over the years Asia has become an important market for Egypt. Japan contributes 75,000 tourists followed by India and China. At the moment 60% of the traffic comes from Western Europe, 20% from the Gulf countries, 10% from East Europe and 10% from Far East.
A miniscule 4% is from Latin America. But the traffic from Asia has been steadily growing."

- No Visas On Arrival In Egypt
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- Tourism: Egypt Seeks To Double Tourist Intake From India
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- Tourism: Statistics For February 2007 ( "Some 775,000 tourists from different world's countries visited Egypt last February, up by 16% compared to February 2006, said chairman of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) Abu...

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