Bad feeling over the potential of the Rosetta Stone loan

Bad feeling over the potential of the Rosetta Stone loan

Guardian Unlimited (Charlotte Higgins)

A good summary of the current grouches between Britain and Egypt.

Dr Zahi Hawass, the sometimes explosive and always colourful secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, today criticised the British Museum for allegedly stalling on its decision whether to lend the Rosetta Stone for the opening of Egypt's $600m Grand Museum, in 2012.

"The answer is not straightforward yes or no from the British Museum. They say they must see the museum; but they know it is not finished until 2012. Other museums also have played with us. We are not trying to keep these artefacts for ever. I am disappointed."

He added that the Egyptians had extended goodwill to Britain by lending the 130 objects that form the Tutankhamun exhibition, but that the trust he has shown in Britain and the other venues for the touring show has not been reciprocated.

Dr Hawass also defended the record-high ticket price to the show, at London's O2: £20 for an adult at weekends, or £15 during the week. "If you go to the cinema you pay £15, and maybe you go to sleep. Here you see beautiful artefacts, you learn."

The article goes on to question whether the British public will respond favourably to the blockbuster approach to displaying the exhibits in "an atmosphere bordering on that of an American mall".

There's a lovely photograph of novelty Tutankhamun pens which goes a long way to supporting the addage about a picture painting a thousand words!

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