Bahariya - 20 More Golden Mummies

Bahariya - 20 More Golden Mummies
An Egyptian team working in Bahariya has found more golden mummies, similar to those found in the widely publicised "Valley of the Golden Mummies" found previously in the same Western Desert oasis.

- More Re The New Bahariya Discovery
This discovery has now been confirmed as the genuine article (as opposed to some recent so-called new discoveries which have turned up to be old discoveries). The Australian A SETTLEMENT dating back to the time of the pyramid builders was discovered...

- Old Kingdom Settlement Found In Bahariya Oasis
Middle East Times At the moment I am taking this with a pinch of salt, because I haven't seen a report of it anywhere else. However, as I have been spending all day in a lecture theatre, which is scarcely the best place for picking up news items,...

- The Future Of Bahariya Hawass concludes his recent episodic account of his work at Bahariya Oasis in the Western Desert:"Most of our work during the third, fourth and fifth seasons was focused on preservation and conservation. We...

- My Love Of Pyramids And Mummies A piece by Zahi Hawass in the Egyptian Gazette, talking about his archaeological interests. This has been copied in full, because it will be replaced with a new article tomorrow and will not be archived: "The Valley...

- Valley Of The Golden Mummies
Zahi Hawass Harry N. Abrams. INC. New York 2000 ISBN 0-8109-3942-8 This large and picturesque book is by the undefiable head of Egypt's Supreme council of antiquities Dr. Zahi Hawass. The author opens his book with a record of his accomplishments...

