Biblical Archaeology Review January/February 2007

Biblical Archaeology Review January/February 2007
The latest issue of the BAR includes an article entitled Out of Egypt by James K. Hoffmeier: "Based on archaeological evidence, how likely is it that Israelites were enslaved in Egypt? And if they were there, which way did they go when they left? Recent archaeological excavations in Egypt shed new light on their time as Pharaoh’s slaves, the locations mentioned in Exodus and the route the Israelites took out of Egypt to the Promised Land."
Other articles in the issue are detailed on the BAR website at:

- Biblical Plagues Really Happened Say Scientists
The Telegraph (Richard Gray)  Researchers believe they have found evidence of real natural disasters on which the ten plagues of Egypt, which led to Moses freeing the Israelites from slavery in the Book of Exodus in the Bible, were based. But rather...

- Crossing The Holy Land
Biblical Archaeology Review For anyone interested in Coptic history there is an article in the current issue of the Biblical Archaeology Review by Dorothy D. Resig entitled “Crossing the Holy Land:” One of the seven cities in Revelation; the...

- Digging In The Delta
Bib Arch Seminary blog This is an odd post on the above blog. It says that the article has been used with the permission of Diggings Online, but when you go to the Diggings Online website there is a subscription page but no details of the magazine, the...

- Current World Archaeology 23, June 2007
Current World Archaeology The Current Archaeology website has been revamped. This means that at long last the details for the June 2007 issue of Current World Archaeology is now available on the site. I have no idea whether or not a new issue has been...

- Travel: Sinai Desert - Nomadic Wonder"Guided by Muzeina Bedouins, on camel and on foot, we trail the caravan route along which Moses reputedly led the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land 33 centuries ago. It's...

