Bit of a blog update

Bit of a blog update

I thought that a couple of bits of information for regular visitors might be in order.

As Bloomsbury starts early on some days and finishes late on others so the blog is being updated on a "when I have a moment" basis - which turns out to be every other day.

Kat has been the reason that I've been able to keep up with it at all.
Which brings me to the main piece of off-topic news of the week - FABULOUS news.


Obviously Kat nees to sink her energies into her new career so I'm going to have to blog without her (sob!). This will inevitably mean that things will be very patchy around the edges for the next couple of weeks because it will take me longer to gather the news stories without her - and as you know, right now I don't have a lot of time on my hands.

By way of temporary compensation for this lapse on my part I've decided to intersperse the news items of the next two weeks with the occasional special feature, the first of which you've already seen - the notes from the Dirk Huyge lecture. More notes will be updated tomorrow - the lecture notes from John Wyatt's super Bloomsbury lecture. One of Kathryn Piquette's lectures raised some interesting queries re the dating of the Predynastic so I'll be posting a two-parter on how dating is handled in that period. My last feature is a piece about the Petrie's online database, what it offers you and how to get the most out of it. Those are the ones that I know I can deliver as promised because they are already written. Hopefully that will be enough to fill in the gaps betweeen the news posts until the end of Bloomsbury.

Finally, to ITALIAN SPEAKERS a request for help from Kat. She has a 25+ page paper written in Italian which she needs help with translating into English. It concerns the goddess Bastet, so if this is something that you might like to work on with her, please can you let me know? [email protected]

- Online Resources: Egyptology News Sources
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- Lecture: Tt33 Padiamenope Ala Petamenophis
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- Request For Lecture Notes From Origins 3 - Investigations At Hk6
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- Blog Update
Hi to all UPDATE 1720: Done! Further to my earlier comments (below), I have now updated the blog, and will do so again tomorrow morning - but please bear with me next week. 0911: Sorry for the lack of updates for the last two days - I have been somewhat...

