Blog Update - Christmas Break

Blog Update - Christmas Break

Hello to All

As of tomorrow I'm off up to North Wales for Christmas with my family.

I make no promises about blog updates. I do have dial-up access, but it is painfully slow and I don't think that I'll endear myself to my family if I vanish off into my father's office for hours on end to update the blog. I'll see how it goes when I am there.
I will be picking up my emails every now and again.

I'll be back on the 28th or 29th of December.

Today's updates are posted below, as usual.

An early but very Happy Christmas to those who are celebrating it.

All the best

- Happy Coptic Christmas!
I nearly missed posting today about Coptic Christmas because I thought that it was the 6th January today, for which my apologies - things have been a little hectic up here in Wales! In the Coptic Orthodox religion Christmas takes place on the 29th of...

- Blog Update
Tomorrow I am off to north Wales for a few days. I won't be updating the blog whilst I'm away but I'll update it on my return. I won't be picking up emails either, so I'll reply when I get back. I'll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday....

- Happy Coptic Christmas
In the Coptic Orthodox religion Christmas takes place on the 29th of "Kiahk" (a Coptic month), which is equivalent to the 7th of January. Here's the Wikipedia explanation of the dissonance between the two dates: Until the 16th century, 25 December...

- Blog Update
Hello to all Thanks very much indeed for the comments, emails etc - all much appreciated! I've updated the blog back until the 21st December (they start after the last "Blog Update" which is easy to find by looking for my over-the-top Christmas tree...

- Christmas In Egypt Today
Tour Egypt Because of the time the Holy Family spent in Egypt with the infant Jesus, Christmas is a very special celebration in Egypt. In Egypt, Copts, who are Egypt's traditional Christians, ...

