Blog Update

Blog Update

Continuing with my unplanned period of undependability, I may not be updating the blog for the next two days. I have to go to North Wales tomorrow afternoon. The plan is to be back on Wednesday afternoon, but I may have quite a lot of catching up to do in the real world, so my online life may have to be put on hold until Saturday morning.

I am truly sorry for all the people who have emailed from the blog recently - I am still playing catch-up, so if you haven't had a reply from me don't give up on me! I promise to get back to you soon.

The Steven Snape course on tombs and belief at Bloomsbury started this week and is excellent. I will do an overview on Saturday.
And I promise that at some stage I will update one of my websites with notes from the Poznan Symposium!

All the best

- Blog Update
Tomorrow I am off to north Wales for a few days. I won't be updating the blog whilst I'm away but I'll update it on my return. I won't be picking up emails either, so I'll reply when I get back. I'll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday....

- Blog Update
Hi to all UPDATE 1720: Done! Further to my earlier comments (below), I have now updated the blog, and will do so again tomorrow morning - but please bear with me next week. 0911: Sorry for the lack of updates for the last two days - I have been somewhat...

- Blog Update
Just a quick reminder that I'm off to Poland tomorrow and won't be back until mid next week. I will update the blog next Saturday, if I don't get the chance beforehand (I may me working away from home on Thursday and Friday). In the meantime,...

- Update Re Egyptology News Services
Luxor News big welcome back to Jane Akshar and her Luxor News blog, after her holiday. Jane, you were much missed! To see her Egyptian husband's main insights into life in the UK after his first visit, see her...

- Blog - A Bit Of An Update
I promised that I would try to update the blog today, but the backlog was rather more awesome than I had anticipated - 427 Google Alerts alone, never mind the emails and websites. I've just finished processing the Alerts, and I've posted below...

