BMSAES Issue 11, April 2009

BMSAES Issue 11, April 2009

British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan

The following article can be dowloaded from the above page, in PDF format.

Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part XVI. Leather Open Shoes by André J. Veldmeijer

An extraordinary pair of ancient Egyptian leather open shoes, housed in the British Museum, is described and discussed. The shoes combines sandal-like straps with laces, which leads to the suggestion that this footwear is an intermediary between sandal-like straps (open shoes) or laces (closed shoes).

Veldmeijer, A.J. 'Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part XVI. Leather Open Shoes', BMSAES 11 (2009), 1–10,

- Online: Studies Of Ancient Egyptian Footwear
PalArch (André J. Veldmeijer) Veldmeijer, André J. 2011. Studies of Ancient Egyptian Footwear. Technological Aspects. Part XIV. Leather Eared Sandals. Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 8(5) (2011), 1-31. ABSTRACT Leather Eared...

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- New Book: Tutankhamun's Footwear
Discovery News (Rossella Lorenzi) With slideshow. When Howard Carter discovered King Tutankhamun's treasure-packed tomb in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings, he found a large collection of footwear of different sizes and shapes. "It is the only evidence...

- Online Journal: Bmsaes 14
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 14 I've posted about BMSAES 14 in dribs and drabs but here's the entire volume, all available free of charge online from the above address. The final issue of 2009 features two articles based on...

- Online Journal: Palarch André J. Veldmeijer. 2009. Studies of Ancient Egyptian Footwear. Technological Aspects. Part x. Leather Composite Sandals. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 6(9) (2009) Abstract The tenth part in the series on...

