Bob Partridge on TV in the UK

Bob Partridge on TV in the UK

Thanks to Mike Hubbard for the info that Bob Partridge, the Editor of Ancient Egypt magazine, is to appear on BBC1's "The One Show" on Monday 5th April at 7:00 pm.

Mike is sorry about the suddenness of this message, but they have only just now found out when Bob's interview will be broadcast.

- Photo For Today By Bob Partridge
Temple of Tod Photo by Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine Copyright Bob Partridge Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today
Temple of Tod Photo by Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine Copyright Bob Partridge Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge (ancient Egypt Magazine)
Colossi of Memnon With many thanks to Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine. Copyright Bob Partridge Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge (ancient Egypt Magazine)
Luxor Mosque With many thanks to Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine. Copyright Bob Partridge Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge (ancient Egypt Magazine)
I am off into town to see the Byzantium exhibition today. As I hate going into town, and rarely do so, I may as well go and do some errands whilst I'm there so I am not sure what time I'll be back. This means that the blog won't be updated...

