Bone Detectives

Bone Detectives

Finds at Tell el Hibeh cemetery.

- Archeologists Find Ancient Cemetery In Egypt
College of Letters Science (Kate Rix) The El Hibeh tell — a mound of ancient human architecture, artifacts and debris — is so rich with the remnants of human life in central Egypt that shards of pottery literally crunch under a visitor’s feet. Beads,...

- Sarcophagus Dating To Ramesses Ii Found (updated)
The SCA have apparently announced the discovery of a giant granite sarcophagus dating to dating to the the reign of Ramesses II in Saqqara. I haven't managed to track down the original SCA statement yet, but the following summarize the main points...

- Hierakonpolis On Archaeology Magazine Site - Updated Follow the team's stabilization and repair of King Khasekhemwy's Ceremonial Enclosure on the Archaeology...

- City Of The Dead
Interesting short video on Egypt's City of the dead. A cemetery dating back to the 14th century.

- Building Pyramids
How and why the pyramids were built is the subject of another artricle.

