Book: Ancient Egypts - Foundations of a Civilization

Book: Ancient Egypts - Foundations of a Civilization
The following brief notes do not comprise a review of the above book by Douglas J. Brewer, because I only found it in the Waterstones bookshop around the corner from UCL yesterday, and haven't done more than skim it, so this is just a heads-up that the book exists. I hadn't realized that Brewer had brought out a book about the prehistoric, Predynastic and early Dynastic periods, but there it was on the book shelf looking back at me. This is quite a slim book (213 pages), but looks quite comprehensive with both colour and black and white plates and some good diagrams and maps. I particularly like the fact that an early chapter (chapter 3) focuses on the changing environmental conditions that played such a pivotal role in the archaeology of the prehistoric period. The book is published by Pearson Longman who describe it as follows: "In Ancient Egypt Douglas Brewer shows why an awareness of the earliest phase of Egyptian history is crucial to understanding of later Egyptian culture. Beginning with a quick review of the fields of Egyptology and archaeology, Ancient Egypt takes the reader on a compelling survey of Egypt's prehistoric past. The book tours the NileValley, to explore its impact on all aspects of life, from day-to-day living to regional politics, and introduces the reader to the NileValley's earliest inhabitants and the very first 'Egyptians'." ( It was published in December 2005.
Full reference: Douglas, J. Brewer. Ancient Egypt, Foundations of a Civlization (2005), Pearson Education Ltd. ISBN-1: 0-582-77253-2

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